Long-Term Portfolio Holders and Redensification Companies

Our Quality for You

Deutsche Reihenhaus as a General Contractor

You too can benefit from our many years’ experience in serial massive construction. Our service begins with the first construction draft for your property and only ends when the warranty expires. We bring in our expertise as project developers and property developers and provide you with all services from a single source at a fixed price.

Our Strategy: Efficient and Consistently Sophisticated

Everything from One Source

Neighborhood and property development is our core business. In interdisciplinary project teams with professional urban planners and other experts, we develop living space according to your needs. 

We compile a transparent price indication that includes alternatives and various configurations.

Fixed Price Offer

We coordinate our work process with the planning authorities and include engineering and expert offices. In doing so, we lay the foundation for a smooth project process and can easily quantify our expenditures and costs. 
This results in a binding fixed price offer with a draft contract for you.

Procurement of Planning and Building Permission

We have over 20 years of experience with municipal approval processes. Nearly 80% of all the projects we implement are built on areas for which planning law still needs to be procured. We organize and look after the entire coordination and further procedure. 
You can tend to your day-to-day business with peace of mind – we will keep you up to date in regular meetings. 

Punctual Completion

Thanks to serial construction, we are able to build neighborhoods much faster than conventionally manufactured houses and apartments. Moreover, we work with reliable craft companies and manufacturers on the basis of long-term contracts. 
Even after completion, we are your reliable contact for questions about the property.


Environment | Social | Governance (ESG)

As a project and property developer, we are aware of our responsibility: Our buildings are your investment and must therefore meet the highest sustainability criteria. That is why we not only consider sustainability within our company, but also think and act from the perspective of investors and users. 
Not only the issues of the EU taxonomy, but also the pursuit of low additional costs play a crucial role in our considerations. With Deutsche Reihenhaus, you invest in neighborhoods that combine economic and ecological benefits for people and the environment.


Energy Concept

Our energy concept is geared to sustainability and efficiency: it is 100% renewable and ensures permanently low additional costs. We look ahead and continually work on innovations so that energy-saving renovations will not be necessary in the near future.

Mobility Concept

All car-parking spaces are equipped with the necessary infrastructure to install charging stations for electric vehicles. Additionally, a car and bike sharing options are also a central element of our mobility concept. Through this measure, we promote flexible and resource-saving mobility for the residents of our neighborhoods. In doing so, we help to take pressure off the transport infrastructure and reduce CO2 emissions. In this article, the “Nürnberger Nachrichten” report on how we implemented these measures in our project in Röthenbach an der Pegnitz (German only).

Sponge Cities and Quarters

With the help of special infiltration areas and retention basins, rain seeps away exactly where it falls. This naturally replenishes groundwater and reduces the risk of flood events. During heavy rain, the retention basins serve as a temporary storage to collect the water masses and help to drain them away in a controlled manner after the rainfall.


Affordable Residential Property

We construct urgently needed housing which also remains affordable in metropolitan regions. This meets the social needs of our society and also brings you clear advantages. While investing in high-growth locations, you thus secure long-term and stable returns.


Social Commitment

The aim of our initiative “Wir forsten auf. Wir spielen mit.“ ("We reforest. We play along.”) is to plant trees, design inner-city green spaces or otherwise increase the attractiveness of the residents' living environment. By expanding our offers for children and youths, we help families feel comfortable in their neighborhood in the long term. Further, we are always glad to plan mutual activities and events to strengthen the social environment of the neighborhoods.

Subsidized Housing

Subsidized housing plays a crucial role in strengthening social justice and giving people with low incomes access to livable housing. For you, this means: Attractive financing options from the federal state development banks and, as a result, a stable return.


Continuous Improvement Process

Implementing well thought-out and agile procedures, we are able to quickly adapt and react to changes and requirements in the real estate industry. Our employees think entrepreneurially, take responsibility and actively work on adapting our business processes and products. Our entire entrepreneurial knowledge forms the basis of a learning management system which is available to all employees.


Our Corporate Mission Statement

Our corporate mission statement is the foundation of our daily business. Our overarching goal is to provide affordable residential property in inner-city vicinity. Our corporate mission statement shows us how we can achieve this goal. We treat each other, customers and project partners with respect and communicate professionally. Additionally, we share high standards for the quality of our products and the further development of our company.

Sustainability Report

This report provides a transparent insight into our company’s sustainability strategy. In this report, we list 20 criteria from the areas of strategy, process management, environmental concerns and society to accurately describe the ecological, economic and social aspects of our ongoing business activities. We have decided to provide this information on a voluntary basis as our company is only required to report from the year 2024. 


Our sustainability report (German only). 



Ina Scharrenbach, Secretary of Ministery

„With Deutsche Reihenhaus, you have gained a premium provider for serial construction both in North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond.“

Mrs. Ina Scharrenbach, Secretary of the Ministry of Regional Identity, Local Government, Building and Digitalization of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia


Hilfswerk-Siedlung GmbH

“We are absolutely satisfied with our collaboration with Deutsche Reihenhaus AG. They planned the entire project for 26 row houses for us, prepared the building application and then constructed all houses turnkey ready. We were convinced by DRH's binding commitments regarding production costs and the tight planning period. We were able to build high-quality buildings with gross construction costs of less than €2,400 per square meter, including additional construction costs and outdoor facilities.”

Carolin Schenke, commercial project manager and deputy head of new construction and renovation, Hilfswerk-Siedlung GmbH, Berlin


Bauverein Hamm

“Just one year ago, we were standing here on the roof of a hopelessly unprofitable house that was only fit for demolition. Together with Deutsche Reihenhaus, we ventured into new terrain. After more than 60 years, we have again decided to build a new building instead of just renovating it. Today, we are more than happy that we have walked this path together.”

Achim Wortmann, Chairman of Bauverein- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft Hamm eG


Stadt Herbrechtingen

“I am very pleased that sustainable development has been found for this inner-city area. The situation was resolved excellently. There are currently no rental properties of this size in the region, it is a great addition.”

Daniel Vogt, Mayor, Herbrechtingen


Jetzt Beratungstermin vereinbaren:

Stephan Kuhl

Head of Investor Relations
Büro Köln
Am Bahnhof 130 51147 Köln
02203 2907-237